Monday, November 14, 2011


The Niger Delta is home to one of the most extensive mangrove forests in Africa and one of the largest deltas in the world. Rich in biodiversity and natural resources the Niger Delta thrives with life and economic potential. However, today this is not the case as the Niger Delta is under threat leaving it classified as "critical/endangered" and one of the five most degraded environments on the planet. Nigeria has been cursed with "black gold" as transnational oil corporations continue to degrade the environment in search of oil. The production of oil is the main culprit of mangrove deforestation and according to a survey from 1999, it is estimated that nearly 50 percent of Nigerian mangroves have been lost to deforestation by oil companies through the dredging and canalization of the delta (Ohimain). This paper hopes to research the extent of the loss of mangrove forest due to oil production as well as propose solutions for the future.

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